Wednesday 23 November 2011

Music Magazine Research

The Reggae magazine front cover above overall, I feel that it is quite effective in many ways. One reason for this is the actual colour scheme of the magazine. As I have stated above the colour scheme relates to the Rastafarian heritage. Also, as you can see the colour scheme has also had effect on the main image which will be very effective to the audience, due to the fact that the target audience would be able to instantly tell that the magazine will be to do with the genre reggae and the Caribbean culture. Furthermore, the main image used for the magazine front cover uses the technique called direct address which means that the image is looking directly towards the reader. This gives the effect to the reader that the magazine will speak out to them. Also, this makes the reader feel that the image used is actually interested in the audience and instead of looking away which would make him seem unfocused and un-interested. The strokes used for the mast head used make the font used for the mast head ‘RAGGA’ stand out from the main image and the background of the music magazine front cover. This is a good technique to use for a magazine because it doesn’t allow the mast head to become unseen by the colours of the other aspects in the music magazine. 

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